Nitya-seva newsletters

In our quarterly newsletters you can learn about the current news of New Vraja-dhama: what kind of special things happen in the daily worship of Radha-Syama, how the festivals are celebrated in Krishna Valley, how the devotees living far from here connect to Radha-Syama and Their abode... And we give regular reports about the developments of the Nitya-seva project: how many new members joined the group of the Nitya-seva donors, which days are available to choose as the day of your worship...

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13th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Jan 27, 2017

October, 2016 - 13th issue  This is the holy month of Kartik and festivals continue one after another here in Krishna Valley.  They give the opportunity to the devotees to deepen their meditation on the sweet pastimes of the Lord and to render more service.  Each year on the...


12th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

September, 2016 - 12th issue  In the first half of September we celebrated the sweetest festival of Krishna Valley:  the appearance day of Srimati Radharani.  It’s hard to describe the atmosphere… one has to be here personally to experience the mood of this special festival....


11th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

August, 2016.  This year we celebrated Lord Balarama’s appearance day with a parikrama in New Vraja Dhama.  The devotees accompanied Lord Balarama, who was traveling on an ox-cart, to the various places of His pastimes, where they glorified Him with bhajanas, and spoke about the lilas...


10th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

July, 2016 - 10th issue  The summer months are always quite busy in New Vraja-dhama with one festival following another. At the beginning of July one of the smaller ones is when we harvest Radha-Syama’s first grains.  This festival is celebrated every year with small Radha-Syama and...


9th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

June, 2016 - 9th issue  Summer has arrived in New Vraja-dhama and excitement is in the air as Radha-Syama await  Their guests.  During winter time Govardhana-lal, as the sankirtana commander, sends the local devotees out to approach the conditioned souls, while during the summer...


8th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

May, 2016 - 8th issue  We celebrated Lord Nrisimha’s appearance day at the end of May.  Narasimhadeva is one of New Vraja-dhama’s main worshipable Deities, Who came to Krishna Valley in 1999 with His consort Laksmi devi from Jagannatha Puri.  They were installed in 1648 with a...


7th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

April, 2016 - 7th issue  In the previous month we celebrated Lord Ramacandra’s appearance day, and we held a smaller festival for the pleasure of Their Lordships. You may wonder:  what is the difference between a festival day and an ordinary weekday?   To tell the truth, seeing...


6th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

March, 2016 - 6th issue  Spring has sprung in New Vraja-dhama! The trees are blossoming, blooming colorful herbs and tiny flowers colour the green lawn. The first spring flowers appeared in the gardens of Radhe-Syama and the devotees, so the pujaris don't have to offer the flowers from the...


5th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

February, 2016 - 5th issue  The winter months are quiet in New Vraja-dhama. Guests rarely come to visit Radha-Syama, and in December, during the book-distribution marathon, even most of the devotees leave to fulfil Radha-Syama’s desire: they distribute Their mercy in the form of Srila...


4th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

January, 2015 - 4th issue   Dear Devotees,  As promised, this issue of the newsletter will answer questions readers have asked regarding the payment of Nitya-seva in instalments. We’ll also answer the enquiries we’ve received about the connection between Seva-puja and Nitya-seva...


3rd issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

December, 2015 - 3rd issue  In October 2015, we announced quite a few changes in Sri-Sri Radha-Syamasundara’s Nitya-seva project, and sent out all the information to all of you, our members. We would like to thank you for all the feedback we have received as a result—it has been most...


2nd issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

November, 2015 - 2nd issue   The auspicious month of Kartika is special in New Vraja-dhama: one wonderful celebration after the other, all giving the opportunity to devotees to realise the words of sastra, that in the spiritual world every word is a song, every step is a...

