Nitya-seva newsletters

In our quarterly newsletters you can learn about the current news of New Vraja-dhama: what kind of special things happen in the daily worship of Radha-Syama, how the festivals are celebrated in Krishna Valley, how the devotees living far from here connect to Radha-Syama and Their abode... And we give regular reports about the developments of the Nitya-seva project: how many new members joined the group of the Nitya-seva donors, which days are available to choose as the day of your worship...

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39th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter

Jan 16, 2019

 December, 2018.  Dear Devotees, All around the ISKCON world, December is dedicated to book distribution. Hungary is no exception. Our temples and centres join forces to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books during the Prabhupada Marathon. Many devotees venture out to engage in...


Nitya-seva Newsletter - 38th issue

Dec 11, 2018

 November 2018. Dear Devotees, The month of Kartika is inundated with beautiful festivals which make this auspicious month even more endearing to devotees. November started with one of the sweetest festivals as we celebrated the appearance of Radha-kunda on 1st November. All of us...


Nitya-seva Newsletter - 37th issue

Dec 11, 2018

 October 2018.  Dear Devotees, October was a busy month for both the Budapest and the Krishna Valley devotees. We held the seventh annual gastro festival at the Budapest temple which had a greater attendance this year than last on the 7th, with 2200 people visiting that day. The 150...


Nitya-seva Newsletter - 36th issue

Oct 11, 2018

 September, 2018.  Dear Devotees, The month of September started with two of our important Vaisnava festivals, Sri Krishna Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja ceremony. If you had the good fortune to be there, then you know how wonderful they both were, and that we wrote a...


35th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter

Sep 11, 2018

 August 2018.  Dear Devotees, The month of August started with two very successful preaching events both at Budapest and Krishna Valley. We held the Magic of India Festival at the Budapest Temple and a Gastro festival here. Gaura-Nitai and Radha-Syama had many guests during both...


34th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter

Sep 11, 2018

 July 2018. Dear Devotees,  The annual Bucsu festival was held between 20-22nd July, and to date we have never received so many visitors before.  The weather was skies and summer sun.  Radha-Syama welcomed 8550 guests during these three days: 1200 people...


33rd issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter

Sep 11, 2018

 June 2018.  Dear Devotees, During June we had the good fortune of His Holiness Lokanath Maharaja paying a visit to Krishna Valley after nine years!  So whilst he was here he took us on pilgrimage around New Vraja Dhama’sholy sites and needless to say the kirtanas and the...


32nd issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter

Jun 19, 2018

 May, 2018.  Dear Devotees, May is the month when the tourist season really begins to take off with Radhe Syama’s visitors increasing day by day.   So many groups are arriving and the majority of the guests we find are returning for an annual visit.  So we try at this time...


31st issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter

May 17, 2018

 April, 2018.  Dear Devotees, April turned out to be the busiest month so far this year.  It began with a few groups of devotees donating for Radha-Syama’s Nitya-seva and inviting the small Radha-Syama for their programs. The devotees are always happily awaiting the arrival of...


30th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter

Apr 10, 2018

 March, 2018.  Dear Devotees, Gaura Purnima fell on the 1st March this year for the celebration of Lord Chaitanya’s appearance.  At the time New Vraja Dhama was covered in thick snow and during dawn the bright light of the moon bathed its rays on Radhe Syama’s temple and abode...


29th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter

Mar 13, 2018

Dear Devotees, We have enjoyed especially mild weather here this winter, in fact it felt like a rather early spring in January and February which are usually the coldest months of the season.  However in the last week of February we got a surprising cold snap, and it reminded us how harsh...


28th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Feb 15, 2018

 January 2018. Dear Devotees, By the first week of January all devotees who took part in the Srila Prabhupada marathon had returned home to Krishna Valley, and we again held a celebration for them at New Vraja Dhama too.  It was a much smaller festival than Budapest though...

