Dear devotees!
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
In the spiritual world every day is a festival in glorification of Krishna. The Lord’s eternal associates are not burdened by the struggle for existence that we must endure in the material world; thus, everything they do is in praise of and in service to Krishna…
His Divine Grace personally replies, "Best way to maintain enthusiasm is by regular chanting with the devotees together in the temple and by having festivals. So, you should immediately have one festival, then everyone will be busily engaged. There are so many festivals that I can give you one for every day."
Srila Sivarama Swami Maharaja writes these words and quotes Srila Prabhupada in his book series Nava Vraja Mahima. However, even if we cannot arrange a festival for every day, there are still special and outstanding days when we can come together, sing and glorify Krishna, and His pure devotees.
Besides, Tribhuvana Sri Sri Radha Syamasundara keeps in mind each and every devotee who has offered even the slightest thing to Them. They remember that person and would like to reciprocate their devotion.
One of the main tasks of our yatra leaders is to assist with this and make the path leading to the Divine Couple’s lotus feet easier.
As every year, this year they also introduced something that will hopefully make you happy and inspire you to visit Krishna Valley as many times as possible.
This year at all the national festivals the admission will be free and you can find information about the prasadam cost on the site of each festival.
In order to be able to serve you all properly we have three humble requests.
The first one: So that we can make a sufficient amount of prasadam we have to know about your coming. You can indicate this by registering on the website (Nava Vraja Dhama) prior to every festival.
The second one: We ask you to offer some service so that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the festival for a while. The more of you who can offer some service, then the more time everyone will be able to spend close to Radhe-Syama.
The third one: So that in the foreseeable future we will be able to maintain the festivals being admission free, we would humbly request the need to receive a donation from each one of you who takes part. If you would like to sponsor the feast on any of the festival days (so that the prasadam could also be free) or would like to cover some particular festival costs, please indicate this on the website when you register.
Festivals in 2025:
Nrisimha Caturdasi & Vyasa-puja of Sivarama Swami Maharaja: May 10-11 (Saturday, Sunday)
Janmastami: August 16 (Saturday)
Srila Prabhupada Vyasa-puja: August 17 (Sunday)
Radhastami: August 30-31 (Saturday-Sunday)
Govardhana-puja: October 24 (Friday)
NB: The donations that are requested here are specifically used for prasadam and festival costs only and are separate from Radhe Syama and VP donations.
On arriving, the devotees at the registration desk will ask you to support the festival according to your abilities. A receipt will be given for all monetary donations.
We are looking forward to seeing you all here and let us together bring about the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha Syamasundara.
Your servant,
Syamajiu dasi