Nitya-seva newsletters
In our quarterly newsletters you can learn about the current news of New Vraja-dhama: what kind of special things happen in the daily worship of Radha-Syama, how the festivals are celebrated in Krishna Valley, how the devotees living far from here connect to Radha-Syama and Their abode... And we give regular reports about the developments of the Nitya-seva project: how many new members joined the group of the Nitya-seva donors, which days are available to choose as the day of your worship...
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27th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter
Feb 15, 2018
December 2017. Dear Devotees, December was a quiet month for those devotees who could not be involved in Srila Prabhupada’s book marathon, due to supporting the daily services at New Vraja Dham. Although they received Radha-Syama’s wonderful darshanas every day,...

26th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter
Dec 10, 2017
November, 2017. Dear Devotees, The month of November always begins full of excitement and expectation for the devotees living in Krishna Valley, as the Srila Prabhupada book distribution marathon always starts two weeks earlier than in other centres. The devotees are eagerly...

25th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter
Nov 11, 2017
October, 2017. Dear Devotees, Kartika began early at the beginning of the month of October this year, along with other bigger festivals being celebrated in Krishna Valley too. On the eve of Saradiya Rasayatra it has become the local tradition after the evening program and...

24th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter
Oct 11, 2017
September 2017 - 24th issue Dear Devotees, The month of September brought unusually cool weather, so the days tended to be quiet in New Vraja Dhama. This season brings to an end not only working on the land, but tourism too, as each week fewer guests come to visit...

23rd issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter
Sep 14, 2017
August 2017 - 23rd issue Dear Devotees, This year the festival dates were all very early in the Vaisnava calendar, so our celebrations continued throughout the whole of August! First the appearance day of Lord Balarama: we visited the holy places connected to His...

22nd issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter
Aug 09, 2017
July, 2017. Dear Devotees, We held Krishna Valley’s Bucsu festival on the third weekend of July as usual. During those three days Radha-Syama had almost 7000 guests! This festival always depends on the great cooperation from members of the Hungarian yatra. It takes a...

21st issue - Nitya-seva newsletter
Jul 15, 2017
June, 2017. Dear Devotees, Summer is here and Radha-Syama Are receiving so many visitors every day! It is wonderful to see how the beauty, tranquility and purity of Krishna Valley fascinates people, along with how the devotees introduce the dhama to the guests with great...

20th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter
Jun 11, 2017
May, 2017. Dear Devotees, We were very happy to see so many of you at our festivals held in May at New Vraja Dhama! It was lovely being in your association and celebrating together. We thank you so much for the presents and donations you offered to Radha-...

19th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter
May 10, 2017
April, 2017 Dear Devotees, The most outstanding event of April was the appearance day of Lord Ramacandra. Syamasundara enchanted the minds of the devotees holding His bow, and Radha-Syama received a new evening outfit for the occasion. The reign of Lord Ramacandra,...

18th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter
May 10, 2017
March, 2017. Dear Devotees, This year we celebrated Gaura Purnima both in New Vraja-dhama and Budapest! In Krishna Valley we had the festival the day before the main celebration, which was held at the Budapest Temple on Gaura Purnima day itself. Here, in New Vraja Dhama, at...

17th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter
Mar 09, 2017
February, 2017 Dear Devotees, This year on the day of Vasanta Pancami – which marks the beginning of spring in India – New Vraja-dhama was, as in the past few years covered with snow. Only the altar was in a spring mood: Radha-Syama wore a beautiful yellow outfit as per the...

16th issue - Nitya-seva newsletter
Feb 12, 2017
January, 2017 - 16th issue Dear Devotees, At the end of January we celebrated the anniversary of the installation of Sri Sri Dayal-Nitai Vijaya-Gauranga at the Budapest Temple. In this issue of the newsletter you can read about the adventurous arrival of Their Lordships. On...