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74th issue - Nitya-seva Newsletter
74th Issue - April, May, June 2024.
Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Jaya Radha-Syama!
Just a few weeks ago, we celebrated one of the biggest festivals of the year in New Vraja Dhama, marking the anniversary of when, millions of years ago, Lord Nrisimhadeva appeared from a pillar to protect his pure devotee Prahlada, in an act of love and deep appreciation for the faith and devotion of his five-year-old servant. Coupled with the Vyasa-puja of Srila Sivarama Swami, it was a memorable weekend, with a record crowd and specials guests including HH BB Govinda Swami and HH Devamrita Swami.
For those of you who have visited New Vraja Dhama, or read about its glories in Nava Vraja Mahima by HH Sivarama Swami, you will know that there are many hundreds of holy places established in the 750 acres that comprise the Dhama. However, as one walks around, in the absence of signage, all but the most experienced devotees may find themselves a little confused as to where exactly they are. Therefore we recently had new information boards installed marking the main holy places and the pastimes that Radha-Syama perform there, as well as a Bhagavad-gita learning trail which is aimed at the many visitors we receive, introducing them to the basics of our philosophy through key verses from the Gita. Revati Devi Dasi drew up the text for the boards; the descriptions of the pastimes allow pilgrims to enter the Dhama in a deeper way, and her Gita purports expertly prompt readers to contemplate key themes and topics. Please do take a look when you are next visiting.
This issue of the newsletter will introduce you to a long-standing devotee in the Hungarian Yatra, Radhanatha Dasa. He is a PhD, was the dean of an influential faculty at Hungary’s top University, ELTE, and is a Nitya-seva donor. He is also the founder of the Bhaktivedanta College in Budapest. He has always been open about his commitment to the Hare Krishna faith, and has made constant endeavours to share Krishna Consciousness within the confines of his arena, and successfully so. One fine example is Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi, who is currently Radha-Syamasundara’s head pujari, and who began practising devotional life after working together with him at the university.
Radhanatha Dasa was also one of the first devotees to donate towards the revised Nitya-seva program in 2015. He promised his spiritual master, Srila Sivarama Swami, to complete his first Nitya-seva in its entirety by the end of 2016. However, as his self-imposed deadline closed in, the amount remaining was not insignificant. Wondering what to do, he noticed a peculiar “coincidence”: the amount he had to give was exactly what he had left in his bank account. Eventually, he decided to give his last pennies to Radha-Syama and depend on Them. The very next day he received a job offer to participate in an international research team where the honorarium (payment) exactly mirrored the amount he had surrendered just the day before.
When he shared this story with Sivarama Swami, Maharaja replied: “I hope you will start a second Nitya-seva then!” How could he refuse? Radhanatha Dasa has since completed a Nitya-seva on behalf of his mother, and is currently in the process of settling his third in the name of Bhaktivedanta College. Through this act of surrender, he gave himself the chance to experience that if one endeavours to help the mission of the guru, and to serve Their Lordships, Krishna cannot fail to notice, and will provide all help and support.
On behalf of Sri Sri Radha-Syamasundara and Sri Sri Dayal-Nitai Vijaya-Gauranga we thank him for his services, and all of you who have helped and continue to contribute to this wonderful program.
On behalf of the Nitya-seva team
Your servant
Mohana Dasa
19th July, 2024., Somogyvámos